Round 1

Round in the story Escape

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written by Mike

The mossy ground felt cool between his fingers. Sedric opened his eyes and groaned as he sat up. It was past noon already, judging from the sparse light coming into his rather cramped dungeon cellar. Every bone in his body ached from sleeping on the...

47C3ADE3 Winner 21%
written by Max

Dit was niet de eerste keer dat Rango de snor van een man afschoor. Het was echter wel de eerste keer dat zijn cliënt dood voor hem lag.
 De gasten van het koffiehuis om hem heen waren rumoerig, wat ze niet kwalijk te nemen viel na de moord...

written by Kyra

For a while, the only sound we heard was the occasional sputtering of the small motorboat’s engine. Its name was engraved upon the backside of it: “The Curly Moustache”. The sun was slowly setting, casting a beautiful orange glow above the high pine...

written by Mark van der Schoot

The low hanging smog in the city didn’t mask the loud noises that came from the other end of the street. It was the movement which Gwen would have joined if she didn’t have an appointment with the most influential figure in town. She was wondering why...

written by Casolyn

“and with this I conclude this lesson”. A loud thump can be heard echoing through the classroom snapping me right out of my daydreams. Blinking a few times I see my professor walking out of the urging me on to start packing my things up. Chatting with...

written by Esli

It was 09:00: time for Mrs. Gutmensch to go to the cows and check whether they would give her some milk. The cattle had been troublesome lately. Very little milk and irregular behaviour. The occasional bombings and lack of nutritional food most...

written by Bob

As I opened the door, the soft noise that I had been hearing for the last two hours suddenly rose up to a deafening roar. Never in my life had I seen my family’s ballroom so full of people! Many tables were crowded with noblemen heavily discussing...

written by Floris

Willem de Beguichelaar stond voor de houten deur en staarde door het bevuilde venster de kroeg in. De oranje gloed die hem tegemoet kwam verlichtte het gedeelte van zijn gezicht dat zichtbaar was tussen zijn hoed en zijn lange jas. Het geluid van het...

written by Jens Peter

 Iedere keer dat morgen vandaag wordt is gisteren weer een dag langer geleden en is weer een dag langer geleden. Een diep verlangen terug naar het verleden, naar de doffe pijn van reeds vergaan verdriet, dat is de nacht. Een stad van vergane...
