Mark van der Schoot

The low hanging smog in the city didn’t mask the loud noises that came from the other end of the street. It was the movement which Gwen would have joined if she didn’t have an appointment with the most influential figure in town. She was wondering why the soon to be mayor invited her. The future mayor despised the demonstrators. He probably thought they wanted to overthrow his authority, which to be honest isn't completely inaccurate. “Once I’m done, I will join them in their march” She said to herself. She moved to one of the largest towers in the city only rivalled in height by the parliament building. She went inside and was met by a moustached receptionist. He smiled at every passer-by even at Gwen. The man however probably detests her. Why wouldn't he? She tries to destroy the world where he has a cosy place in. and why? Only because he was born with a moustache. Gwen ignored him and walked straight past the giant golden statue towards the elevator. It was a statue of a man Gwen knew well, her father. He had a large moustache. He was quite a famous man. Not only was he the previous owner of the steam industry but also the man who revolutionised the steam engine. Arriving at the elevators she noticed that one of the two elevators was out of order. She had to wait for the other one. She certainly wasn’t going to take the stairs all the way to the 31st floor. Luckily the wait wasn’t long because the elevator had the newest steam engine inside it. Once inside the elevator shot up. She arrived on the 31st floor in a matter of seconds. A female assistant was sitting behind a desk. “There she is leader of the Moustache Balderdash, bravo.” she said in a sarcastic tone.
Gwen gritted her teeth and asked, “Can I go in?”
“Sure, Ragnar is ready to see you.”
“Thank you.” Gwen said trying to stay polite. Frustrated at the ignorance of the woman she walked to the large door. “et superius labrum radit, rectores terrarum” was imprinted on a golden plate just above the name “Ragnar Drandash”. Ragnar was sitting right in front of her. He looked pale and extremely relaxed. Unnaturally so Gwen thought. She jumped when the doors slammed shut behind her with a loud sound. She had forgotten that everything in this building was made with the new revolutionized steam engine even the door shutters. She turned back to Ragnar he still didn't say anything. His eyes weren't even focusing on her. “Hello?” she said quite loudly. No reaction. As she walked closer a stank began to penetrate her nose. She wanted to scream but no sound left her mouth. There he lay, Ragnar. A strong man is what everyone always called him, but now he was just a lump of flesh. However, something was off. His upper lip, it was empty. His symbol of power ripped from his face. As the blood was still leaving his body Gwen ran to the door. But the door wouldn’t open the shutters malfunctioned. She yelled as she previously couldn’t, but no one came. And even if they did would they believe that she was innocent. The woman whose company was taken over by Ragnar only because her father had no moustache bearing son. The woman who is trying to break the status quo. Meeting the future mayor who has no intention of stopping the Mustachio law. It didn't really matter right now. First, she must get out of this room.