Round 3

Round in the story Escape

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written by Mike

An adventuring party, Edith had discovered, was not as festive as its name suggested. Water poured from the sky all around her as she dragged herself towards their makeshift camp. From a distance she could already hear the angry voices. The only thing...

written by Esli

Reino was walking over the field. Or, one could say when observing him, he was rather tripling than actually walking. He preferred to call it walking though. At last, Reino deemed himself highly sophisticated. It was a remarkably sunny day today....

written by Casolyn

For as longs as Braden can remember he and his father have moved from home to home. Never settling anywhere because of his fathers job. As a military officer he has been all around the world. Telling Braden stories of the most wonderous places....

written by Bob

The room was dank, and musky, not at all what Lionel had assumed his first footsteps on the Raving Raider, the biggest pirate ship to ever set sail in all of Thilicia, to be in. A quick glance through the room told him that he was in a storage room of...

written by Mark van der Schoot

A flame of darkness was exuding cold air through the whole room. “I guess I'll have to face that in this awful place I shouldn't show a trace of doubt but pulled against the grain I feel a little pain that I would rather do without. I’d rather be...

written by Kyra

With astonishment I looked at the buttons on the elevator, which was looking rather old-fashioned and rusty. There were ten buttons, and every single one displayed the number thirteen. The receptionist had indeed referred me to floor number thirteen,...

D071BC8A Winner 16%
written by Max

Flyn docked his airpod with a soft thud in the harbor of this planet’s only settlement. There was nothing special about the location. This place was as barren, rocky and hilly as the rest of the planet. Instead, the company’s artificial agents deemed...

written by Roland

I stretched as my timer went off. I’d been studying for four hours straight. I looked around my room, surrounded by my old laptop, a big knot of old and new phone chargers, a plethora of both dry and fresh inkwells, a couple of bent quills, a few...

written by Jens Peter

A fiery sky heralded the morning as Cyntha’s horse click-clicked over the cobbled streets of Rockefeller Haven. The city was blanketed by the slow and tired silence that so often follows a night of drunken revels. The smell of stale beer hung faintly...

written by Anne

They always came to him. Loneliness, sloppiness, forgetfulness... He could always find what they were looking for, whether it was a person, an object or a thought. His father had taught him well. Once a prominent man, with an ebony handlebar...
