
For as longs as Braden can remember he and his father have moved from home to home. Never settling anywhere because of his fathers job. As a military officer he has been all around the world. Telling Braden stories of the most wonderous places. Temples in deserts, lost villages in the amazon forest but the story Braden loved the most were those about trinkets his father found. Trinkets from all around the world hidden inside a suitcase that had travelled the world as much as his father.
  Every night Braden’s father would pull a trinket from the suitcase. Stones with strange engravings, glowing branches, a silver pocket watch with unreadable engravings and so much more. The stories that followed always lulled Braden into sleep, dreaming of the adventure.
  But these stories are no more. His father leaving him behind, not abandoned like some old rag, but truly left behind. His father had died leaving him only his suitcase.
  Braden now almost fifteen stood alone on the stairs to Finley’s orphanage. The old building slightly crooked and the once vibrant blue paint faded into nothing. Only a few flakes here and there were left. Stepping onto the stairs Braden was welcomed by a kind looking old woman. “welcome, my dear. From today on this will be your new home until we find something more permanent for you” she speaks with a kind voice. Together they walk up the stairs, their footsteps damped by the sound of children playing by the lake. “this is your room, it is not much but I hope you will find some solace in this place. Supper will be served at half past six”. With one gentle look she leaves Braden alone in the room. The room itself was painted a light minty green and contained a bed, cupboard, table and chair.
  “So this is my new home. It is better than some places me and dad used to sleep” Braden says to himself. Gently he lowers the suitcase on the bed. Clicking the locks Braden opens the suitcase. There inside are the trinkets from his father. All neatly stored in their own compartment. On top of those lie the only clothes Braden possessed at the moment, together with a white envelope. Braden’s fingers glide over the envelope and open the letter.

My dear Braden,
I suspected my time would one day come.
Therefore I have left you my suitcase of wonders.
Inside you will find the stories I left behind for you.
And one thing more, my key.
Why don’t you give it a try.


Shaking Braden reads the note again. “a key, I only know of one key but there is no lock. Where do I use this” Braden mumbles to himself. Quickly he takes out the key and tries in on all the keyholes in the room but of course nothing happens. Turing back to the suitcase Braden throughs the keys into the case. While turning to go downstairs the key hits the side of the suitcase and makes a hollow sound. It sound a bit like metal. Rushing back Braden taps the side again, hollow. Putting his fingernails in the side of the case he pulls the covering loose and there is its. A keyhole. Clumsily Braden shoves the key inside, twisting and hears a clicking noise. Slowly opening the tiny door something fell on Braden’s hand, two ruby red stones. “Shhh, be quit” Braden hears out the window. “we have to get those stones”. Thumping sound could be heard, and there on the window still a black clad hand.