
I stretched as my timer went off. I’d been studying for four hours straight. I looked around my room, surrounded by my old laptop, a big knot of old and new phone chargers, a plethora of both dry and fresh inkwells, a couple of bent quills, a few stray pens, quite a few of my spellbooks and a large picture of a cat with a moustache I found on the internet. I smiled, it was so cute.
Groaning I stood up from my chair, my muscles stiff from sitting for so long. My head felt numb from all the energy flows, incantations and other annoying subjects I’d just crammed into it. I needed some fresh air.
I went downstairs, greeting my father and mother as I grabbed my coat.
“Where are you going at this hour?” My father asked.
“I need some fresh air, was thinking about going to the park.” I said. “Besides,” I said, pointing to the window. “it’s not even dark yet.” I walked towards the door.
My father sighed. “Cain, you realise you are the heir of Tempest house? That paints a target on your back.”
I waved him away. “No it doesn’t. I admit that some people may know my identity, but this is a big city, I could walk around for miles without anyone recognising me.”
Father shook his head, but let me leave.
Once outside I breathed in deeply, refreshing my system with the cold air. I grabbed my phone and earphones from my pocket. Plugging one in each ear I put on some music as I walked towards the park.
As I walked I let my thoughts wander, trusting my feet to know the way. Twilight of the late afternoon put everything in a bluish hue. There was no one on the street besides me, giving me that comfortable feeling of being alone. Some people might find it discomforting, but I enjoyed serene and calm feeling it gave me, while listening to a heavy metal song. Pure bliss, and shouting, yes perhaps that too. I banged my head slightly to the music as I reached the park.
Despite the hour there were still a few people here, a group of friends who were packing up a picnic, a cute couple who sat on a bench looking at each other shyly, over by the pond stood a girl with a moustache, a man walking his do- Wait what. I turned my gaze back to the girl with the moustache. I blinked, then pinched myself, then did it again for good measure. Yes, I was quite certain now that this was real life, not just fantasy.
I headed for the girl. This had to be a joke or something. But, I thought what if it isn’t? What if it’s some girl who actually has a moustache! Biologically impossible! I have to see this!
The girl started to walk away. I quickened my step, being only just in time to see her round a corner.
I quickly ran after her, then as I rounded the corner, I saw her. She turned towards me, her bushy black moustache covering a grimace, as she drew a knife and raised it at me. Its blade was a near-translucent white.
I turned to run, then noticed the two men blocking my path, similar blades raised.
"Purgers!" I realised.
“You’re not going anywhere, Tempest demon.” The girl spat, as the two men began walking toward me.
I cursed myself for being an idiot who never even saw it coming.
A girl with a moustache.
Of course that was a trap!