
An adventuring party, Edith had discovered, was not as festive as its name suggested. Water poured from the sky all around her as she dragged herself towards their makeshift camp. From a distance she could already hear the angry voices. The only thing that was more predictable than the constant rain, she reflected, was the endless squabbling of Zack and Tamyra. It was like the subject did not matter, as long as they were able to throw insults at each other. Reluctantly Edith entered the cave and dropped her catch of the evening by the fire.
 Wearily she sat herself down by the campfire and looked at her companions. Things had turned out quite different from what she had expected when she joined this stupid treasure hunt. She remembered how nervous she had been during their first gathering. The well-muscled Zack had radiated confidence and capability as he was explaining the details of their quest. Behind him, clad in a long dark robe and carrying an ebony wand, Tamyra had resembled the very image of elegance and arcane talent. Back then, Edith worried she would be a burden to the party and resolved to try her hardest to keep up. Full of hope and dreams she embarked on her very first quest.
 However, the heroic adventure she had signed up for quickly turned into an endless nightmare of marching and pointless arguments. Zack proved to be good at nothing but swinging his sword around and Tamyra’s temper was unrivaled in the entire kingdom. It turned out that common sense alone made Edith the most valuable party member. She was the only one with any sort of survival skills and frequently had to collect dinner for all three of them. Sighing, she poked at the food, wishing she was back at her parents’ home. Meanwhile the endless quarreling was still going on as fiercely as ever.
 ‘Enough!’ Edith shot to her feet. ‘Can you guys stop bickering for one single minute? It’s like you are trying to make this journey as miserable as possible!’ Clearly affronted, Tamyra shifted her fury towards Edith. ‘That is some big talk coming from the farmer girl.‘ She glared at Edith with that murderous look one normally reserves for their worst enemies. ‘Why don’t you just bring the key up this mountain yourself? You clearly don’t appreciate all we’ve…’
 Her next sentence was interrupted by a deep booming sound coming from within the cave. ‘What was that?’ asked Zack nervously as a second blast of sound came over them. The rhythmic drums seemed to be drawing closer and scuttling noises were starting to come from deeper inside the cave. ‘We need to get out,’ Edith said as she started gathering all her stuff. The others were simply looking at her dumbstruck. ‘NOW!’ Edith cursed herself as she rushed towards the exit. She should have realized. There had been multiple reports about increasing goblin activity in the area.
 When she reached the exit of the cave, Edith halted. She found herself surrounded by a dozen of small green figures carrying primitive spears. A quick glance told her negotiation was out of the question. The nasty little creatures were cackling and screeching as they raised their weapons at the intruders. Meanwhile the scuttling and stomping noises behind them kept getting louder and louder. A high pitched laughter from above drew her attention. From atop a large boulder, the menacing silhouette of a goblin carrying a big staff was looming over them. A bright flash of lightning illuminated its smirking face.