
Jun 15, 2021

But Levi never woke up again. His heart had stopped beating. The pain in his sides had worn off. His feet lay drenched in blood, though bloodless themselves.

How does one escape death, after she has caught up with you already? How does one dethrone the queen of eternal non-existence? Though she nor her throne manifest anywhere but in the spiritual souls of human beings.

Does the life of your terminally ill sister matter any longer? Will you feel heart-wrenched, now that you won't be able to keep buying the medicine that keep her alive? Will it matter to you when your mother dies of sorrow after hearing of your death?

Levi never thinks these questions. But they exist.

There was a long time of nothing. Though Levi wouldn't know.

Until. Until, a light popped on. No it was not like a light. Until, sounds came crashing in again or smells filled every presence. No, it was also like neither of those.

It was, as if suddenly, there were emotions again. There were thoughts. There were memories. Though the questions had never been asked, their answers could be felt. The lack of sensory inputs was oppressive. There was nothing to feel the pain that Levi experienced. It was as if he was without vessel, but still in the ocean of space. His mind formed his aching heart.

There was nothing but his consciousness. Time didn't exist in his one-dimensional frame of reference. Levi would cry until he filled all oceans, and then again, and again. Until he had filled as many oceans as there were tears in any single one of them.

But he couldn't.

There was nothing but the pain of his consciousness.

Until. Until, an ethical commission forced the researchers to halt the simulation.

Levi finally received his true nothingness.