Mark van der Schoot

“What happened? Did you screw up?” Flyn shouted angrily at Qula.
“No, I mean maybe…, I don’t know.” Qula said, while scanning al devices to see if she missed something.
“Come on! No time for analysing what went wrong, we have to get out of here.” Flyn shouted as he pointed to the escape pod.
“Impossible.” Qula stated. “We have already been surrounded. If we leave now, we will be shot down in an instant.” She said with a cold look in her eyes.
A moment of silence fell between the two smugglers.
“Okay I have a plan, and if we fail at least we’ll go out with a bang” Qula said trying to lighten the mood.
Flyn chuckled at this ill-timed joke. “So, what’s the plan?” He asked.

Qula sat down on the couch and initiated her crazy escape plan. She started typing with fluency that seemed almost robotic. First, they needed to know how much time they had left. This was easy, especially for Qula, she only needed to look at a surface level of the software. Qula looked at the time scheme the AIs operated on. They had about 10 minutes until their ship was fully loaded. Next, she had to look up what kind of explosives did they have to deal with? Chemical explosives. A sound of relief sounded through the lounge. Chemical bombs weren’t that bad. If it were anti-matter bombs this whole plan would fail immediately.
With this knowledge Flyn took his trusty red ray gun and went into the cargo space. Spinning his gun around his finger he was both scared and exhilarated, this was the first time he was going to shoot something else then empty beer cans. With careful aim he tried to hinder the robots while keeping the explosives from going off.
In the meantime, Qula was typing on her computers for specific instructions for the AI of the ship to follow. Everything went according to plan all the necessary items were onboard for building an EMP. An EMP would disrupt every electronical device this would give them an opening to escape.

“Incoming transmission, Incoming transmission.”
Flyn was taken aback by this unknown entity. There are never any non-AIs present in on a costume check. There being a non-AI present would most likely indicate a rat.
“Open channel” Flyn responded.
“Hello smugglers” Said a posh male voice over the intercom. “I want to give you a chance out of this dire situation. By now I’m sure you noticed that your ship is being loaded full of explosives, this is happening because I caught you red handed smuggling keys of my planet. Although they are of low quality, I am sure you could make a small fortune if you sell them in the right place. But I am feeling generous, I am willing to give them back to you if you deliver my cargo to the centre of the universe.”
“Explosives? To the centre of the universe? This guy is insane.” Flyn mumbled.
“If you don’t take me up on my offer in 20 minutes, I will detonate the explosives remo….” The intermission was cut-off.
Flyn cursed as he knew what had happened. Qula didn’t hear the conversation because the AI only kept Flyn updated so Qula unbeknownst to the new development set the emp of already. Flyn ran as fast as he could towards the lounge.
Qula saw Flyn and said happily. “It worked.”
Flyn sighed
“Let’s go we might reach the surface if we leave now.”
“Maybe we should stay on my ship because I have a new plan.”