
Jun 15, 2021

The dreams that followed did not contain any colours. Levi looked around in the black and white wasteland and saw only clocks. Some clocks were ingrained in the black sky while others stood on the white sand. He wanted to move about yet there was no movement to be had. All clocks in the wasteland stood still and so did he.

After what felt as an eternity something moving came into the corner of his eyes. It appeared to be moving branches. There was no wind so what were these moving branches. If only they would enter his peripheral view. Even more time passed until suddenly the branches pushed Levi over on the ground.

Finally, he was able to move again. He pushed his arms out and tried to stand up. He turned around to look what pushed him over. A majestic grey dear was standing behind him with giant antlers. Levi inched closer to the animal. The dear keeps his head high and does not seem to be bothered by the presence of Levi. The dear slowly opened its mouth as if to yawn but instead of yawning a voice emerged.

“Wake up dude, it’s already past noon and it’s your turn to clean man.”

Perplexed by the sound that the dear made Levi stepped backwards. He looked at the clocks floating in the air. It could not have been more obvious. It was noon all along.

Levi pried open his eyes and found the room in a state of disarray. The floor was littered with wine bottles and the table was stained with red spots. Levi spotted a girl behind him. Her name was Serah was the one who woke him from his slumber. She had long fiery red hair and a tip-tilted nose. She was the whole reason Levi even got into this student house in the first place.

“So finally awake Levi? I knew you couldn’t hold your liquor, but this is on a whole other level.” Serah chuckled. “But seriously though since today is Monday you should clean this up.” She said. Serah put earphones in her ears and walked away toward the kitchen. Levi could still hear the music playing softly. Serah was a crazy metalhead and she always said that metal should be listened to at max volume.

Ever since Levi had awoken his head was killing him. It felt as though his brain was throbbing against his skull. Setting aside the pain he was determined to clean up the mess from the party last night. He tried to leave the couch by setting his left foot next to the couch on the carpet. “Ouch!” Levi yelled. He just stepped in a piece of glass. He vaguely remembered breaking his wineglass but up until this point he completely forgot about it.

“Damn it!” Levi exclaimed.

Levi was completely trapped on the couch with glass all around him and his foot was already starting to bleed. There wasn’t even a shoe or a sock in sight not even a phone in his pocket. Not only that but his head hurt like crazy and the only person that could help him was in the kitchen listening to loud music. In what way would he possibly escape this dire situation.