
Jul 09, 2021

“B… But, Sir do you think it’s wise to go in there? Isn’t he the most dangerous man alive?” The Rhett asked.

“The most dangerous man alive? Yes, but that is exactly why I must go in there. I have to know his story.” Sergeant Ferri replied. His tone wasn’t that of a scared man. It sounded determined and perhaps a bit curious.

Both men had to open multiple locked doors. They stood in front of the last door. It was large as if a beast was brought through here at some point. The torches were the only thing to light the doors. The guard did not accompany them any further, opening this door was the last step to meeting the king of the desert. The king of Darksong. Rhett spotted a sweat breaking on Ferri’s cheek. But he sincerely didn’t know if it was due to excitement or due to the tension.

Ferri opened the lock with the key that was handed to him by the royal guards. The door was heavy. While opening the door a gust of wind blew past them. The smell of rot was terrible but the two gentleman held their ground and pushed on. The room was faintly lit. In the middle of the room there was a body suspended by four chains. Two from his hands upward to the side of the ginormous room. And its two feet chained to the ground. The body wasn’t moving. The body looked like a lifeless mummy. The skin was pale its hair was long and black as the night. It didn’t have any fat or muscles

“Is he dead, the death defying unkillable immortal king? Did he starve to death?” Rhett wondered letting loose a sigh of relief.

“No. Impossible” Ferri replied sternly.

“Visitors, and you still remember my titles, Marvelous.” A heavy voice spoke. The head that previously hung lifeless from its body now sat upright on its neck. Its eyes gave of a green glow. “Why have you come.” He asked.

“Hello prisoner, we have come here to ask you some questions. And if you do not answer them, you will get the whip.” Ferri said trying to sound brave as he pulled a black whip from his belt.

“Ha you threaten a king, I have been hanging here longer than your parents were even alive. Once I ruled these lands, and you dare threaten me with a whip? How utterly absurd!” The voice turned into a laugh. Ferri took a few steps backwards. “However, since You came all the way here to listen to me, I might as well tell you a few things. What do you wish to know?”

“How did you obtain your powers and why did you use it to start a war to kill thousands of people?”

“A yes to answer your questions let me first tell you a story. It is a story about the cursed death of a dear friend. It cast a shadow over me. That one cursed night in the dunes of time. The sun was low, and me and my friend sought cover for the night’s freezing gale, but traversing the dunes was difficult. Then suddenly in the distance a giant rock appeared at the horizon. We all knew it was the oasis town of Jikan. Relieved by the sight of the village oasis we set our course straight towards Jikan. When the sun had sunk, we arrived at the oasis.

The streets were empty. It was dead quiet. However, there was light behind several of the windows. Setting our sights at the inn at the back of town I noticed looking through the windows that there were no signs of life. Entering the inn’s stable there was no one to board our camels. We assumed that the stable groom might be asleep. We did arrive late at night after all. We opened the saloon doors of the inn and found there was nobody behind the counter. We looked at each other and we all thought the same thing. The relationship between me and my band of thieves was formed during childhood. Since I have learned that believing in your friends and embracing the trusted bond crafted over the years by forgiving failure is what makes friendships blossom. Since these deep bonds existed between us there was no need for consultation, deliberation or codetermination. When one of my friends had a plan, I believed it to always be the best course of action to follow through with the plan.

So, I guarded the exit while the others grabbed whatever they could find. Some emptied the cash register while others took everything that wasn’t bolted down and would fit in their pockets. When they were done, we dashed quietly back to the camels. We readied our Camels for one last trip towards the edge of town where we knew there was a place we could always sleep. While unfastening my camel I heard a squeaky sound behind me. A shiver ran down my spine I turned around and noticed a cloaked figure standing in the doorway. Its cloak was black, and its eyes emitted a poisonous green glow. For a moment I was frozen in place. It extended two arms forward. The clocked figure opened what I believed to be its mouth where from a melody erupted enchanting us all. I walked got pulled towards it like a fly to a Venus flytrap. My friends did the same however one of us didn’t seem to be as affected by the melody as the rest of us. He was my best friend; we knew each other the longest. I saw him in the corner of my eyes extending his arm towards me, trying to snap me out of the enchantment. But it was no use. I saw his mouth move but the only thing I heard was the deafening sound of the sombre melody. I felt it, every bone in my body felt it. To say I had Goosebumps would be an understatement. The flow of time seemed to come to a halt. My heartbeat grew louder as it continued to beat faster and faster. I closed my eyes as I felt the hand of death on my shoulder.

But then my partner, my friend, He lunched at the black creature with a dagger toppling it in the process. I broke free of the terrible spell. My body was still in complete shock however, the only way to escape was with the camels. I immediately jumped on my camel with all my might and headed for the exit. The thing laid on the ground with my friend on top of it, lifeless.”

“That’s a very nice story and everything but why start a war over it? We don’t control such magical creatures and I am sure you were aware of that.” Ferri interrupted.

“It is my country which lay within those vast deserted dunes. When the sun rose into the sky, a burning wind punished the lands, searing the world. And when the moon climbed into the dark of night, a frigid gale pierced our homes. Even on that day when the wind is carrying songs the songs aren’t happy. No matter when it came the wind carried the same thing… Death. But the winds that blow across the green fields of these distant lands brought something other than suffering and ruin. I coveted those lands I suppose.”

“Since then, I acquired the melody that will draw people in infinite darkness, that absorbs even time. The song that took my friend. The memory of my childish mind turned to noble ambition. I will take what my people deserve. And with you here I will rule once again” The man opened his mouth and began to sing. Ferri and Rhett both stunned started walking towards the suspended king.

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